Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Assignment #1: Background Information

It's your first assignment! Here we go!

Before we begin actually reading the text, it is important to understand the historical and cultural background within which the text takes place. You will have some time to research the Salem Witch Trials. You will research this topic using your tablets and write a 2--3 paragraph summary of the event.

In your summary, answer questions like:
A. When/where did this event take place?
B. What were the major events that happened at that time?
C. Why did these events occur?
D. Who were some of the people involved in these events?

Remember that, in order to answer this question, you will have to research the Salem Witch Trials on the Internet or using a source. While you are not required to have quotations, you will want to cite your source so that I know where you got your information from.

Here are some sources to help you: This website will create a source citation for you; you just need to put in your source name or url. This website will also help you to understand how/why to cite sources.

As usual, contact me if you have any questions!


  1. The salem witch trail were trial of people like men,woman,children accused of being possesed by the devil or making a deal with the devil for power this emerged in Europe as early as the 14th century.women were mainly accused of bewitching people the symptoms of bewitchment was screaming,violant contortions,uncontrollable woman named Tituba claimed that the we're other witch's working together this cause a lot of panic.when people were accused of witch craft they were burnt at the stake this unfortunately became a drearful legacy of salem village,massachusettss.

    1. Was there any closure for the families of those who were falsely accused without trial?

    2. In my research no there was no closure for families who were accused without trial

    3. I got my referencees from

    4. Thanks for the clarification.

    5. Great question, Alessandra. My research and knowledge about the witch trials suggests the same. In fact, families that are descended from some of the accused witches still to this day live in Salem and feel the ignominy of those events from hundreds of years ago.

    6. Brian,
      Try using to see if you can input that web address and produce a more accurate source reference?

  2. Sorry I ment dreadful and were not we're

  3. The Salem Witch Trials were a series of trials in witch people accused of practicing witchcraft were trialed and executed. This occurred in colonial Massachusetts, between February,1962 through May,1963 (Wikipedia Salem Witch Trials). Most of the trials took place in Salem Village and Salem Town. However, there were some cases that took place in Ipswich and Andover.The trials led to an estimated 20 people, 14 of which were women.
    According to "The History Channel, The Salem Witch Trials Facts and Summary", Abigail Williams and her cousin Elizabeth Parris were experiencing fits and screaming outbursts. They accused their slave Tituba, which caused Tituba to confess about the witchcraft she practices. This raised suspicion, and started the accusations of witchcraft and "devil magic".

    1. Very nice summary, Diana. Some people believe that the accusations were tied to feuds between people from Salem Town versus Salem Village. They wanted the opportunity to purchase or confiscate land owned by others; what better way to remove them then accuse them of witchcraft--a crime punishable by death at that time?

      Just one theory, but certainly one that makes some sense.

    2. Diana, Can you recheck your dates, please?

  4. The Salem Witch Trials began in the spring of 1692 in the small village of Salem in Massachusetts.Over two hundred people were accused of witchcraft in which people believed that they were either possessed or worshipped the devil. In fact the trials began, "...after a group of young girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts, claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused several local women of witchcraft."(The History Channel,The Salem Witch Trials) This caused a lot of hysteria in the village.
    However according to "Salem Witch Trials" by History Channel, "..a study published in Science magazine in 1976 cited the fungus ergot (found in rye, wheat and other cereals), which toxicologists say can cause symptoms such as delusions, vomiting and muscle spasms." This explains the symptoms of those accused of bewitchment.

    1. Very nice detective work, Alessandra. One prominent theory, aside from the theory that this was all a plot, is that the girls suffered hysteria from food poisoning or fungus. However, that raises other questions, does it not? Why not all of the townspeople? Why just some? What are your thoughts?

  5. The salem witch trails began in a small puritan community of salem village, Massachusetts in 1692 when a group of girls gathered in the evenings at the home of Reverend Paris to listen to the stories told by a slave named Tituba. There they played games involving fortune telling. During these events one of the girls explained seeing a coffin and the devil. The people of the village found this strange and executed anyone who was suspicious of dealing with witch craft. One of the most know accusers was Abigail Williams. The fist two girls to be accused of this "crime" and executed were 9-year old Betty and Samuel Reverend's 11-year old niece due to showing signs of "fits and hysrerics" in 1692. 24 people and 2 dogs in total were executed do to the assumption of doing witch craft. The salem witch trials ended in 1693 when the governer'a wife was accused of being a witch.

    1. Good summary of events, Sarai. I see that you have quotation marks around the word crime. This tells me you have some doubts. What are your thoughts? What doubts do you have?

    2. Although I don't belive in witches nor witch craft I do believe that accusing people for doing things that you don't understand and executing them for it is a crime.
