Friday, February 19, 2016

Act II Assignment

Hello, Independent Scholars!

We are off to a great start and creating some great habits in our independent studies. As usual, you will continue with your timelines of the events that occur in the story. As soon as you have finished reading Act II, please complete a timeline and flow it in with your ELA homework in the morning. All timelines are due within one week's time  (by Monday, February 29th).  I will then post them for each of you to critique and make clarifying questions.

In addition, I will be posting questions for you to answer in the comments section. You will answer in a quote sandwich paragraph; be sure to frame your text evidence and, at the bottom of your post, give credit to the source of the quote using MLA format. You may use the EasyBib website for help, or email/text me if you have questions.

Choose one of the questions from below and write a quote sandwich paragraph answering the question: (Due by Monday, February 29th)

1. Describe the irony of the following quote: "Oh, John, the world's so full of hypocrites." (II, ii)
2. Explain how Hale has changed by the end of Act II.
3. Choose a symbol from Act II--candlesticks, rabbit, or poppet (doll)--and explain what it symbolizes.

Good luck, scholars. Contact me with any questions!


  1. In the novel, the poppet represents the town's uneasiness with the events of witchcraft and accusations. The poppet is turned from a symbol of youth and innocence to a symbol of fear and links to voodoo. In the Crucible, by Arthur Miller, Cheever exclaims,"I found here a poppet Goody Proctor keeps. I have fond it, sir. And in the belly of the poppet a needle's stuck."(Act 2, pg.) This shows that Mary's gift to Goody Proctor was turned into an evil doll. Clearly, just because Abigail stuck herself in with a needle, it does not mean the doll did it, but rather the motive to keep the town eerie with the acts of witchcraft that are constantly showing up.

  2. In the novel the irony of the following quote "oh,john,the world'a so full of hypocrites" is because it involves or indulges in hypocrisy which means "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense" (used Google Dictionary) when Elizabeth says the trials of witchcraft is false even after she was one of the woman who was dancing around the fire and because she was accused off witch craft herselF.
